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Publishing Action Flows

Atomic Action Flows need to be 'published' before they can be used to send live event, cards and notifications.

Draft vs. Published explained

When you create on a new Action Flow, you're working in 'Version 1' which is in a draft state. While in draft, you can test your action flow to send test cards and notifications to test accounts configured in your environment. But before you can send live events, cards and notifications, you'll need to take your latest draft version and publish it.

When you published the Version 1 draft (which you must, in order to start live Action Flows), Atomic will change Version 1 status to published. If you then need to make a new version, Atomic would create a Version 2 in draft, which you would then publish when ready, and so on.

In this above scenario it would be perfectly normal if, for instance, Version 2 was available as a draft, while the published Version 1 (the most recent published version) was still live. When triggered the latest published version would continue to run the steps it contains, including potential sending Action Cards and Push Notifications.


If you have approvals enabled for your environment, a draft must be approved before it can be published. If approvals are not turned on, you can go straight from editing a draft, to publishing it.


Workbench members in your organization can be given different permission levels, if for example you wish to allow some members to edit but not publish.

Preparing to publish

Once you have tested your draft action flow, you can publish it. In the Action Flow editor, go to the Publish tab. If there are no errors highlighted, and if approval is not required (or all required approvals have been given) then you'll see a short summary of key details about the Action Flow draft you are about to publish.

Carefully review this pre-publish summary, and switch back to the Edit tab to review in more detail if you need to check any further detail.

Previous versions of your Action Flow may still be running

It's possible that earlier published versions of this Action Flow still have active instances. This can happen, for example, when a previous version has a wait-step and one (or more) customers are currently waiting at this step.

Atomic will tell you about these cases when you're publishing the new version, so you can be aware. Should you need to cancel those still-running instances from previous versions, you'll have the option to do that as well as to cancel any active cards that customers may still have from those versions. It's unlikely you would need to stop and cancel these things, but the option exists for the rare scenarios when you need them.

Triggering the new Action Flow version for customers who are already in a Segment that you're using in a Segment-entered trigger

As explained in the triggers article, when you use a Segment-entered trigger, customers who—at the time you publish a new version— are already in your segment, will not have the Action Flow triggered for them. If, for some reason, you want Atomic to manually have the Action Flow triggered for these existing segment members on publish, you can choose to do that here.

Publishing your draft

When you're ready to publish, proving you have the required access permissions to do so, you can scroll to the bottom of the pre-publish summary, and click Publish.