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Creating action card templates

Card templates are added and edited in the Action Flow editor, where you configure your Action Flow. To add/edit card templates, first open your Action Flow via the Action Flow dashboard.

Add a new template to an Action Flow

When you add a new Send a card step into your Action Flow, a new card template will be created and linked to that step.

Open and edit a card template

To open a template in the card editor view, open the Action Flow > select the template from the left-side menu, or find the relevant Send a card step on the flow canvas and click the 'Edit card' button.

Check out the card element reference and card design principles to learn about what's possible.


Action cards can contain form inputs on either the top-level or in subviews, but not both levels, to minimize user confusion. If you are building a form that is too complex for a single card at either level, we recommend creating a sequence of cards instead to avoid bloating a single card and impacting response rates. Form parts can be sent one after another in separate cards, and consider use condition steps and dynamic content to make even more dynamic flows. Check out the context reference to learn how outputs from each step can be reused by later steps.

Getting to know the card editor

When you're editing a card, you'll notice two main menu panels on the left, and one on the right.

Action Flow menu (left)

  • Return to the Action Flow canvas
  • Quickly navigate to Triggers configured for this flow
  • See, open, duplicate and delete card templates in use (you can't delete a card template that's being used by a send a card step).
  • Add, edit and delete variables that will be resolved when the Action Flow starts, and be available to any part of the flow. Read more about variables, and the wider context data available, in the context reference.

Card elements menu (left)

  • Open the Push Notification settings for this template
  • Open the Menu configuration options (to disable certain options, if required)
  • Add, duplicate, delete, or drag to re-order content and action elements for display at the top-level of your card
  • Add and delete subviews
  • Add, duplicate, delete, or drag to re-order elements to display in any subviews you've added

Card preview (center)

Above the card preview shown in the center of the card editor, you can click into the template name to edit it, and find/copy the card template id.

Below the card template are display options that apply to the preview here in the Workbench only, that allow you to see how your card looks when rendered with different themes from your Environment, and on different Web SDK versions. Choices made here are purely an editing-time convenience, and will not affect any theme/stream containers configuration in any way.


You can send a test card to yourself from here in the card editor, but it may be more useful to test your action flow as a whole. Read more about this and how to do it in the testing article.

Properties panel (right)

The properties panel on the right is where you will configure the content and settings of the element you have selected in the card elements menu.


To select an element and review/edit it's settings, either click the element from the card preview or in the card elements menu

Inserting placeholders for dynamic content

In many of the content element settings, you can choose to use dynamic content instead of setting a static value. For example, to personalize a headline with the recipient's name, you may want to insert the value of the user's name stored in their customer profile, or pass in a name value from a variable which you plan to populate from your trigger event.

Look for the + icon in inputs that you're editing while making your card template, or type +, to open the context placeholder picker. Read more about dynamic data and how to use it in the context reference.

Editing card delivery settings

To see and manage the delivery settings for a card (like which streams to display it in, or embargo, expiry, platform targeting etc), and supply an (optional) data payload to accompany a push notification, return to the main action flow canvas, and edit these by selecting the send a card step's properties.