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Cordova/Capacitor SDK

To integrate the Atomic SDK into your Cordova or Capacitor app, you'll use the Atomic Web SDK. Therefore, for full documentation for the Cordova/Capacitor SDK, please see the Web SDK documentation page.

Boilerplate App

For an example of integrating the Atomic SDK in a Cordova application, see our boilerplate app on GitHub.


To use the Web SDK with your Cordova or Capacitor app:

  1. Download the Atomic SDK from our CDN, and bundle it with your application. There are two files you need to download:
Download specific version

Change the version number (e.g. 24.2.1) to download a specific version.

  1. (Cordova only): Modify the Content-Security-Policy meta tag in your Cordova app to allow the following URLs.

  2. Add <allow-navigation href="about:blank" /> and <allow-navigation href="blob:" /> to your config.xml file.

  3. Include the sdk.js and iframe-manager.js files as two standalone scripts, added to your app as script tags. The iframe-manager.js script tag must also have the ID atomic-frame-manager, and must appear before the sdk.js tag.


We require you to download the scripts and include them locally, importing the scripts directly from the Atomic CDN will not work for a Cordova integration of the SDK.

  1. Enable the cordova feature via the stream container configuration object:
<!-- Include the following scripts on your page (must be in this order) -->
<script src="js/iframe-manager.js" id="atomic-frame-manager"></script>
<script src="js/sdk.js"></script>

<!-- Initialize the SDK (Cordova example using the deviceready event) -->
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
AtomicSDK.initialise('<apiHostUrl>', '<apiKey>', '<environmentId>');

const launcherInstance = AtomicSDK.launch({
streamContainerId: '<streamContainerId>',
features: {
cordova: {
enabled: true,
}.bind(this), false);

Push Notifications

Full documentation on integrating support for push notifications on iOS and Android can be found in the Web SDK documentation.