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Flutter SDK - Current (24.2.0)


The Flutter SDK wraps the Atomic iOS (24.2.0) and Android (24.2.1) SDKs, allowing you to use them in your Flutter apps.

Supported iOS and Android versions

The Flutter SDK supports iOS 12 and above, and Android 5.0 and above.

Atomic Flutter SDK is null-safe.

Dart SDK 2.17.0+ is required.

The current stable release is 24.2.0.

Boilerplate app

You can use our Flutter boilerplate app to help you get started with the Atomic SDK using Flutter. You can download it from its GitHub repository. Alternatively, you can follow this guide.


The Flutter SDK is hosted in a private repository on Github. To gain access to this private repository, send your Github user name to your Atomic representative.

In order to have access, you will require to set public keys. The external guide Using a private git repo as a dependency in Flutter details steps required.

Once you have access, add the Git repository to your pubspec.yaml file and run flutter pub get:

ref: 24.2.0

The ref property should be set to the version number of the Flutter SDK that you wish to use. A list of version numbers is documented in our changelog.

Minimal Dart SDK

Atomic Flutter SDK uses Dart SDK >=3.0.0 <4.0.0, which should also be backwards compatible with projects still using Dart 2.0.0.

You also need to make the following changes for each platform:


  1. Open the Podfile in your app's ios subdirectory, and add the following lines underneath the platform declaration:
source ''
source ''
  1. At the end of the file, add the following line:
pod 'AtomicSDK', :git => '', :tag => "24.2.0"
  1. In the same directory, run pod install to fetch the Atomic SDK dependency. If you are unable to run this command, check that you have Cocoapods installed.


  1. Add the Atomic Android SDK repository to your build configuration. Open android/build.gradle and add the following under allprojectsrepositories.
maven {
url ""
  1. Bump your minimum SDK version. In your android/app/build.gradle file, change the value of minSdkVersion to 21 if the current value is less than this.

  2. Change the parent attribute for NormalTheme and LaunchTheme to Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar in the following files:

  • android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml
  • android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml
<style name="LaunchTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar">

<style name="NormalTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar">
  1. Open your MainActivity class inside your app project, and change the base class from FlutterActivity to AACFlutterActivity:
import io.atomic.atomic_sdk_flutter.AACFlutterActivity

class MainActivity: AACFlutterActivity() {
  1. Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and add the following attribute to the application tag:
<application ... android:supportsRtl="true">...</application>

This is required as a temporary workaround to support snooze and feedback screen layouts, and will be resolved in a future SDK release.


Before you can display an Atomic stream container or single card view in your app, you must configure the SDK.

You can find your API base URL in the Atomic Workbench, under Configuration > SDK > API Host.

The SDK API base URL is different to the API base URL endpoint, which is also available under Configuration. The SDK API base URL ends with

You also need to provide the SDK a session delegate for resolving authentications.


You can set your API base URL in code, by calling the setApiBaseUrl method:

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.setApiBaseUrl('<url>');

Environment ID and API key

Within your host app, you will need to call the initialise method to configure the SDK. Your environment ID can be found in the Atomic Workbench, under Configuration, and your API key can be configured under Configuration > SDK > API Keys.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.initialise('<environmentId>', '<apiKey>');

Authenticating requests using a JWT

Atomic SDK uses a JSON Web Token (JWT) to perform authentications.

The SDK Authentication guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to generate a JWT and add a public key to the Workbench.

Within your host app, you will need to call AACSession.setSessionDelegate to provide an object implementing the AACSessionDelegate mixin, which contains only one method Future<String> authToken.

It is expected that the token returned by this method represents the same user until you call the logout method.

Define the session delegate

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_stream_container.dart';

class YourSessionDelegate with AACSessionDelegate {

Future<String> authToken() async {
<return the token>

Pass the session delegate

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.setSessionDelegate(YourSessionDelegate());

JWT Expiry interval (iOS only)

The Atomic SDK allows you to configure the time interval to determine whether the JSON Web Token (JWT) has expired. If the interval between the current time and the token's exp field is smaller than the seconds you set, the token is considered to be expired.

The interval must not be smaller than zero.

If this method is not called, the default expiry interval is 60 seconds.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.setTokenExpiryInterval(120);

JWT Retry interval (iOS only)

The Atomic SDK allows you to configure the timeout interval (in seconds) between retries to get a JSON Web Token from the session delegate if it returns a null token. The SDK will not request a new token for this amount of seconds from your supplied session delegate. The default value is 0, which means it will immediately retry your session delegate for a new token.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.setTokenRetryInterval(10);

WebSockets and HTTP API protocols (iOS only)

Atomic SDK uses WebSocket as the default protocol and HTTP as a backup. However, you can switch to HTTP by using AACSession.setApiProtocol, which accepts a parameter of type AACApiProtocol. You can call this method at any time and it will take effect immediately. The setting will last until the host app restarts.

The AACApiProtocol enum has two values:

  • webSockets: Represent the WebSockets protocol.
  • http: Represent the HTTP protocol.
import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.setApiProtocol(AACApiProtocol.http);

Global error handling

Flutter provides a FlutterError.onError error handler allowing the app deal with errors in one place. Atomic SDK redirects the errors/exceptions to this pipeline as well. Simply set the handler in your host app. By default, this calls FlutterError.presentError, which dumps the error to the device logs. For more details on Flutter error handling, see (Flutter documentation)[].

FlutterError.onError = (details) {
// You handle errors here.

Displaying containers

This section applies to the stream container and single card view.

To display an Atomic stream container in your app, create an instance of AACStreamContainer. To create an instance, you supply:

  1. (required) A stream container ID, which uniquely identifies the stream container in the app;
  2. (required) A configuration object, which provides initial styling and presentation information to the SDK for this stream container.
  3. (optional) Other parameters that support a variety of functionalities.

Stream container ID

First, you’ll need to locate your stream container ID.

Navigate to the Workbench, select Configuration > SDK > Stream containers and find the ID next to the stream container you are integrating.

Configurations options

The configuration object is a class of AACStreamContainerConfiguration, which allows you to configure a stream container or single card view via the following properties:

Style and presentation

  • presentationStyle: indicates how the stream container is being displayed:
    • With no button in its top left;
    • With an action button that triggers a custom action you handle. This value has no effect in horizontal container view;
    • With a contextual button, which displays Close for modal presentations, or Back when inside a navigation controller. This value has no effect in horizontal container view.
  • launchColors: customizable colors for first time launch, before a theme has been loaded.
    • background: The background color to use for the launch screen, seen on the first load. Defaults to white.
    • text: The text color to use for the view displayed when the SDK is first presented. Defaults to black at 50% opacity.
    • loadingIndicator: (iOS only) The color to use for the loading spinner on the first time loading screen. Defaults to black.
    • button: The color of the buttons that allow the user to retry the first load if the request fails. Defaults to black.
    • statusBarBackground: (Android only) The background color to use for the status bar on secondary screens, such as the snooze selection screen.
  • interfaceStyle: (iOS only) The interface style (light, dark or automatic) to apply to the stream container.
  • enabledUiElements: A bitmask of UI elements that should be enabled in the stream container. Defaults to showing toast messages and the card list header in a stream container, and has no effect in single card view. Possible values are:
    • none: No UI elements should be displayed. Do not use it in conjunction with any other values.
    • cardListToast: Toast messages should appear at the bottom of the card list. Toast messages appear when cards are submitted, dismissed or snoozed, or when an error occurs in any of these actions.
    • cardListFooterMessage: A footer message should be displayed below the last card in the card list, if at least one is present. The message is customized using the AACCustomStringCardListFooterMessage custom string. This value has no effect in horizontal container view and single card view.
    • cardListHeader: The header should display at the top of the card list, allowing the user to pull down from the top of the screen to refresh the card list.
    • defaultValue: A combination of cardListToast and cardListHeader. Toast messages and the card list header should be shown.

Maximum card width

(Introduced in Flutter 24.2.0)

cardMaxWidth: You can now specify a maximum width for each card within the vertical stream container or a single card view, with center alignment for the cards.

It's applicable to both vertical containers and single card views.

The default value for cardMaxWidth is 0, which means the card will automatically adjust its width to match that of the stream container.

To set this, use the cardMaxWidth property in AACStreamContainerConfiguration to define the desired width, and apply this configuration when initializing the stream container.

However, there are a few considerations for using this property:

  • For iOS, it's advised not to set the cardMaxWidth to less than 200 to avoid layout constraint warnings due to possible insufficient space for the content within the cards.

  • Any negative values for this property will be reset to 0.

  • If the specified cardMaxWidth exceeds the width of the stream container, the property will be ignored.

  • In horizontal stream containers, the cardMaxWidth property behaves the same as the cardWidth property, and it must be > 0.

The following code snippet sets the maximum card width to 500.

final config = AACStreamContainerConfiguration();
config.cardMaxWidth = 500;

final streamContainer = AACStreamContainer(containerId: "1234", configuration: config)


  • pollingInterval: How frequently the card list should be automatically refreshed. Defaults to 15 seconds, and must be at least 1 second. If set to 0, the card list will not automatically refresh after the initial load. pollingInterval only applies to HTTP polling and has no effect when WebSockets is on.
Battery life

Setting the card refresh interval to a value less than 15 seconds may negatively impact device battery life and is not recommended.

  • runtimeVariableResolutionTimeout: The maximum amount of time, in seconds, allocated to the resolution of runtime variables in your runtimeVariableDelegate's requestRuntimeVariables method. If you do not return the processed card list before the timeout is reached, the default values for all runtime variables will be used. If you do not implement this delegate method, this property is not used. Defaults to 5 seconds.
  • votingOption (AACVotingOption): Sets the card voting options available from a card's overflow menu.
    • both: The user can flag a card as either useful or not useful.
    • notUseful: The user can flag a card as 'not useful' only.
    • useful: The user can flag a card as 'useful' only.
    • none: The user cannot vote on a card (default).

Custom strings

The configuration object also allows you to specify custom strings for features in the SDK, using the setValueForCustomString method, which accepts an enumeration AACCustomString and a string value.

The enumeration AACCustomString has such values:

  • cardListTitle: The title for the card list in this stream container - defaults to "Cards".
  • cardSnoozeTitle: The title for the feature allowing a user to snooze a card - defaults to "Remind me".
  • awaitingFirstCard: The message displayed over the card list, when the user has never received a card before - defaults to "Cards will appear here when there’s something to action."
  • allCardsCompleted: The message displayed when the user has received at least one card before, and there are no cards to show - defaults to "All caught up".
  • votingUseful: The title to display for the action a user taps when they flag a card as useful - defaults to "This is useful".
  • votingNotUseful: The title to display for the action a user taps when they flag a card as not useful - defaults to "This isn't useful".
  • votingFeedbackTitle: The title to display at the top of the screen allowing a user to provide feedback on why they didn't find a card useful - defaults to "Send feedback".
  • cardListFooterMessage: The message to display below the last card in the card list, provided there is at least one present. Does not apply in horizontal container and single card view, and requires enabledUiElements to contain AACUIElementCardListFooterMessage. Defaults to an empty string.
  • noInternetConnectionMessage: The error message shown when the user does not have an internet connection. Defaults to "No internet connection".
  • dataLoadFailedMessage: The error message shown when the theme or card list cannot be loaded due to an API error. Defaults to "Couldn't load data".
  • tryAgainTitle: The title of the button allowing the user to retry the failed request for the card list or theme. Defaults to "Try again".
  • toastCardDismissedMessage: Customised toast message for when the user dismisses a card. Defaults to "Card dismissed".
  • toastCardCompletedMessage: Customised toast message for when the user completes a card. Defaults to "Card completed".
  • toastCardSnoozeMessage: Customised toast messages for when the user snoozes a card. Defaults to "Snoozed until X" where X is the time the user dismissed the card until.
  • toastCardFeedbackMessage: Customised toast message for when the user sends feedback (votes) for a card. Defaults to "Feedback received".

Other parameters

You can also provide other optional parameters when you create a stream container or a single card view:

  • actionDelegate: An optional delegate that handles actions triggered inside the stream container, such as the tap of the custom action button in the top left of the stream container, or submit and link buttons with custom actions.
  • eventDelegate: An optional delegate that responds to card events in the stream container.
  • runtimeVariableDelegate: An optional runtime variable delegate that resolves runtime variable for the cards.
  • onViewLoaded: An optional call back that allows post-loading actions, such as applying stream container filters.

Displaying a stream container

You can now create a stream container by supplying the stream container ID and configuration object on instantiation:

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_stream_container.dart';

child: AACStreamContainer(
configuration: <config>,
containerId: '<containerId>',
// Optional parameters
runtimeVariableDelegate: <runtime variable delegate>,
actionDelegate: <action delegate>,
eventDelegate: sdkDelegate,
onViewLoaded: (state) {
print('Container loaded');
// Specify desired width and height.
width: 400,
height: 400

Displaying a single card

The Atomic iOS SDK also supports rendering a single card in your host app.

To create an instance of AACSingleCardView that is configured in the same way as a stream container, you supply the following parameters on instantiation:

  1. The ID of the stream container to render in the single card view. The single card view renders only the first card that appears in that stream container;
  2. A configuration object, which provides initial styling and presentation information to the SDK for the single card view.

The single card view configuration AACSingleCardConfiguration is a subclass of the configuration for a stream container, which inherits most of its options. The only configuration option that does not apply is presentationStyle, as the single card view does not display a header, and therefore does not show a button in its top left.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_stream_container.dart';

configuration: config,
containerId: '<containerId>',
// Optional parameters
runtimeVariableDelegate: <runtime variable delegate>,
actionDelegate: <action delegate>,
eventDelegate: sdkDelegate,
onViewLoaded: (state) {
print('Container loaded');
onSizeChanged: onSizeChanged // Optional - triggered when the single card view changes size.

Within a single card view, toast messages - such as those seen when submitting, dismissing or snoozing a card in a stream container - do not appear. Pull to refresh functionality is also disabled.

The single card view automatically sizes itself to fit the card it is displaying. You can also be notified when the single card view changes size, by assigning a callback to the onSizeChanged property on the single card view. You will be supplied with the width and height of the single card view as arguments.

Configuration options for the single card view

There is an extra option in AACSingleCardConfiguration:

  • automaticallyLoadNextCard: When enabled, will automatically display the next card in the single card view if there is one, using a locally cached card list. Defaults to false.

Closing a stream container

Stream containers and single card views are dismissed of like other views or controllers. There is no specific method that needs be to called.

Customizing the first time loading behavior

When a stream container with a given ID is launched for the first time on a user's device, the SDK loads the theme and caches it for future use. On subsequent launches of the same stream container, the cached theme is used and the theme is updated in the background, for the next launch. Note that this first-time loading screen is not presented in single card view and horizontal container view - if those views fail to load, they collapse to a height of 0.

The SDK supports some basic properties to style the first-time load screen, which displays a loading spinner in the center of the container. If the theme or card list fails to load for the first time, an error message is displayed with a 'Try again' button. One of two error messages is possible - 'Couldn't load data' or 'No internet connection'.

First-time loading screen colors are customized using the following properties on AACStreamContainer:

  • launchColors: customizable colors for first time launch, before a theme has been loaded.
    • background: The background color to use for the launch screen, seen on the first load. Defaults to white.
    • text: The text color to use for the view displayed when the SDK is first presented. Defaults to black at 50% opacity.
    • loadingIndicator: (iOS only) The color to use for the loading spinner on the first time loading screen. Defaults to black.
    • button: The color of the buttons that allow the user to retry the first load if the request fails. Defaults to black.
    • statusBarBackground: (Android only) The background color to use for the status bar on secondary screens, such as the snooze selection screen.

You can also customize the text for the first load screen error messages and the 'Try again' button, using the setValueForCustomString method of AACStreamContainerConfiguration.

Note: These customized error messages also apply to the card list screen.

  • AACCustomString.noInternetConnectionMessage: The error message shown when the user does not have an internet connection. Defaults to "No internet connection".
  • AACCustomString.dataLoadFailedMessage: The error message shown when the theme or card list cannot be loaded due to an API error. Defaults to "Couldn't load data".
  • AACCustomString.tryAgainTitle: The title of the button allowing the user to retry the failed request for the card list or theme. Defaults to "Try again".

API-driven card containers

(introduced in 23.4.0)

In version 23.4.0, we introduced a new feature for observing stream containers with pure SDK API, even when that container's UI is not loaded into memory.

When you opt to observe a stream container, it is updated by default immediately after any changes in the published cards. Should the WebSocket be unavailable, the cards are updated at regular intervals, which you can specify. Upon any change in cards, the handler block is executed with the updated card list or null if the cards couldn't be fetched. Note that the specified time interval for updates cannot be less than 1 second.

The following code snippet shows the simplest use case scenario:

await AACSession.observeStreamContainer(
containerId: streamContainerId,
callback: (cards) {
if (cards == null) {
print("The cards could not be loaded.");
else {
print("There are ${cards.length} cards in the container.")

This method returns a token that you can use to stop the observation, see Stopping the observation for more details.

Card instance class clusters

In the callback, the cards parameter is an array of AACCard objects. Each AACCard contains a variety of other class types that represent the card elements defined in Workbench. Detailed documentation for the classes involved in constructing an AACCard object is not included in this guide. However, you can refer to the examples provided below, which demonstrate several typical use cases.

Configuration options

The method accepts an optional configuration parameter. The configuration object, AACStreamContainerObserverConfiguration, allows you to customize the observer's behavior with the following properties, which are all optional:

  • pollingInterval: defines how frequently the system checks for updates when the WebSocket service is unavailable. The default interval is 15 seconds, but it must be at least 1 second. If a value less than 1 second is specified, it defaults to 1 second.
  • filters: filters applied when fetching cards for the stream container. It defaults to null, meaning no filters are applied. See Filtering cards for more details of stream filtering.

The legacy filter AACCardFilter.byCardInstanceId for observeStreamContainer only works on iOS, not Android.

  • runtimeVariables: A map of runtime variables which will be resolved before observing the stream container. Defaults to null. See Runtime variables for more details of runtime variables.
  • runtimeVariableResolutionTimeout: the maximum time allocated for resolving variables in the delegate. If the tasks within the delegate method exceed this timeout, or if the completionHandler is not called within this timeframe, default values will be used for all runtime variables. The default timeout is 5 seconds and it cannot be negative.
  • runtimeVariableAnalytics: whether the runtime-vars-updated analytics event, which includes the resolved values of each runtime variable, should be sent upon resolution. The default setting is false. If you set this flag to true, ensure that the resolved values of your runtime variables do not contain sensitive information that shouldn't appear in analytics. See SDK analytics for more details on runtime variable analytics.

Stopping the observation

The observer ceases to function when you call AACSession.logout(). Alternatively, you can stop the observation using the token returned from the observation call mentioned above:

// Start observing and save the observer's token.
final token = await AACSession.observeStreamContainer(
containerId: streamContainerId,
callback: (_) {
print("observeStreamContainer test");

// Stop the observer using the previously saved token.


Accessing card metadata

Card metadata encompasses data that, while not part of the card's content, are still critical pieces of information. Key metadata elements include:

  • Card instance ID: This is the unique identifier assigned to a card upon its publication.
  • Card priority: Defined in the Workbench, this determines the card's position within the feed. The priority will be an integer between 1 & 10, a priority of 1 indicates the highest priority, placing the card at the top of the feed.
  • Action flags: Also defined in the Workbench, these flags dictate the visibility of options such as dismissing, snoozing, and voting menus for the card.

The code snippet below shows how to access these metadata elements for a card instance.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

containerId: "1",
callback: (cards) {
final card = cards?.first;
print("The card instance ID is ${card?.id}");
print("The priority of the card is ${card?.metaData.priority}");
print("The card has dismiss overflow menu: ${card!.actions.dismiss.overflow ? "yes" : "no"}.");

Traversing card elements

Elements refer to the contents that are defined in the Workbench on the Content page of a card. All elements that are at the same hierarchical level within a card are encapsulated in an AACLayoutNode object. Elements at the top level are accessible through the defaultView property of the AACCard. The nodes property within defaultView contains them.

The code snippet below shows how to traverse through all the elements in a card and extract the text representing the card's category.

await AACSession.observeStreamContainer(
containerId: "1",
callback: (cards) {
final card = cards?.first;
if (card != null) {
for (final node in card.defaultView.nodes) {
if (node.type == "cardDescription") {
final categoryText = node.attributes["text"];
print("The card's category node's text is: $categoryText");

The AACLayoutNode class can represent properties for the various elements you can create in Workbench. Detailed documentation for all these properties is not provided, but they correspond to the raw card JSON viewable in the workbench.

Accessing subviews

Subviews are layouts that differ from the defaultView and each has a unique subview ID. See Link to subview on how to get the subview ID.

The following code snippet shows how to retrieve a subview layout using a specific subview ID, which you can find in the workbench:

await AACSession.observeStreamContainer(
containerId: "1",
callback: (cards) {
final card = cards?.first;
final subview = card?.subviews["<subview ID>"];
print("Accessing subview ${subview?.title}");
List<AACViewNode> subviewNodes = subview.nodes;
// Do something with subviewNodes?

Or traverse all subview layouts for that card:

await AACSession.observeStreamContainer(
containerId: "1",
callback: (cards) {
final card = cards?.first;
subviews.forEach((subviewId, subview) {
print("Accessing subview ${subview?.title}");
List<AACViewNode> subviewNodes = subview.nodes;
// Do something with subviewNodes?

Dynamically displaying all data from a list of AACLayoutNodes

The nodeColumns method below is an example that uses recursion to show data from a List of AACLayoutNodes, as well as their children (and their children's children, etc.). The data is displayed with nested Column and Text widgets.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_data_interface.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

List<Column> nodeColumns(List<AACLayoutNode> nodes) {
return nodes
(index, node) => Column(
children: [
"Node #${index + 1}",
style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
Text("Type: ${node.type}"),
Text("Attributes: ${node.attributes}"),
const Text(
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
children: nodeColumns(node.children)

API-driven card actions

(introduced in 23.4.0)

In version 23.4.0, we introduced a new feature that execute card actions through pure SDK API. The currently supported actions are: dismiss, submit, and snooze. To execute these card actions, follow these three steps:

  1. Create a card action object: Use the corresponding initialization methods of the AACCardAction class. You'll need a container id and a card instance ID for this. The card instance ID can be obtained from an AACCard from AACSession.observeStreamContainer (see API-driven card containers for more details).
  2. Execute the action: Call the method AACSDK.executeCardAction to perform the card action.
  3. Check the result of the action in the result callback: The result will be an AACCardActionResult enum.

Dismissing a card

The following code snippet shows how to dismiss a card.

(result) {
switch (result) {
case AACCardActionResult.Success:
print("Card $cardId dismissed!");
case AACCardActionResult.DataError:
print("Card $cardId DataError!");
case AACCardActionResult.NetworkError:
print("Card $cardId NetworkError!");

Submitting a Card

You have the option to submit certain values along with a card. These values are optional and should be encapsulated in an Map<String, dynamic> object, using String keys and values that are either Strings, numbers, or bools.

Input Components

While editing cards in Workbench, you can add input components onto cards and apply various validation rules, such as Required, Minimum length, or Maximum length. The input elements can be used to submit user-input values, where the validation rules are applied when submitting cards through UIs of stream containers.

However, for this non-UI version, support for input components is not available yet. There is currently no mechanism to store values in these input components through this API, and the specified validation rules won't be enforced when submitting cards.

As of version 24.2.0, Atomic cards include button names when they are submitted. The button name will be added to analytics to enable referencing the triggering button in an Action Flow. Therefore, you need to provide a button name when submitting cards.

Getting the button name

The button name of a submit button can be acquired when receiving cards through API-driven cards. You can also find the button name on the button element in the workbench. The following code snippet shows how to obtain button name of the first submit button from the top-level of the first card.

String? _buttonName;

token = await AACSession.observeStreamContainer(
containerId: "1",
callback: (cards) {
if (cards != null) {
// Traverse the elements from the top-level of the first card.
for (final node in cards.first.defaultView.nodes) {
if (node.attributes["type"] == "submitButton") {
// Save the name of this submit button element.
_buttonName = node.attributes["name"] as String?;
// Break so we only save the first submit button's name in this card.
Submitting the card

With button name obtained, you can now submit the card. The following code snippet shows how to submit a card with specific values.

// Obtain _buttonName


const submittedValues = <String, Object>{
"stringKey": "string",
"numberKey": 22,
"booleanKey": false,

if (_buttonName != null) {
AACCardAction.submit(_buttonName, submittedValues),
(result) {
switch (result) {
case AACCardActionResult.Success:
print("Card $cardId submitted with values!");
case AACCardActionResult.DataError:
print("Card $cardId DataError!");
case AACCardActionResult.NetworkError:
print("Card $cardId NetworkError!");

Snoozing a Card

When snoozing a card, you must specify a non-negative interval in seconds. Otherwise an error will be returned.

The following code snippet shows how to snooze a card for a duration of 1 minute.

const snoozeInterval = 60;
(result) {
switch (result) {
case AACCardActionResult.Success:
print("Card $cardId snoozed for $snoozeInterval seconds!");
case AACCardActionResult.DataError:
print("Card $cardId DataError!");
case AACCardActionResult.NetworkError:
print("Card $cardId NetworkError!");

Dark mode (iOS only)

Stream containers in the Atomic Flutter SDK support dark mode. You configure an (optional) dark theme for your stream container in the Atomic Workbench.

The interface style determines which theme is rendered:

  • automatic: If the user's device is currently set to light mode, the stream container will use the light (default) theme. If the user's device is currently set to dark mode, the stream container will use the dark theme (or fallback to the light theme if this has not been configured). On iOS versions less than 13, this setting is equivalent to light.
  • light: The stream container will always render in light mode, regardless of the device setting.
  • dark: The stream container will always render in dark mode, regardless of the device setting.

Filtering cards

Stream containers (vertical or horizontal), single card views and container card count observers can have one or more filters applied. These filters determine which cards are displayed, or how many cards are counted.

A stream container filter consists of two parts: a filter value and an operator.

Filter values

The filter value is used to filter cards in a stream container. The following list outlines all card attributes that can be used as a filter value.

Card attributeDescriptionValue type
PriorityCard priority defined in Workbench, Card -> Deliveryint
Card template created dateThe date time when a card template is createdDateTime
Card template IDThe template ID of a card, see below for how to get itString
Card template nameThe template name of a cardString
Custom variableThe variables defined for a card in Workbench, Card -> VariablesMultiple

Use corresponding static methods of AACCardFilterValue to create a filter value.


Card priority

The following code snippet shows how to create a filter value that represents a card priority 4.

final filterValue = AACCardFilterValue.byPriority(4);
Custom variable

The following code snippet shows how to create a filter value that represents a boolean custom variable isSpecial.

final filterValue = AACCardFilterValue.byVariableNameBool("isSpecial", false);

Note: It's important to specify the right value type when referencing custom variables for filter value. There are five types of variables in the Workbench, currently four are supported:

  • String: AACCardFilterValue.byVariableNameString(String variableName, String value)
  • Number: AACCardFilterValue.byVariableNameInt(String variableName, int value)
  • Date: AACCardFilterValue.byVariableNameDateTime(String variableName, DateTime valuel)
  • Boolean: AACCardFilterValue.byVariableNameBool(String variableName, bool value)
How to get the card template ID

On the card editing page, click on the ID part of the overflow menu at the upper-right corner.

Card template ID

Filters that are currently broken in Android

The equalTo byVariableNameBool and between byCreatedDate filters are currently unavailable for Android.

Filter operators

The operator is the operational logic applied to a filter value (some operators require 2 or more values).

The following table outlines available operators.

OperatorDescriptionSupported types
equalToEqual to the filter valueint, DateTime, String, bool
notEqualToNot equal to the filter valueint, DateTime, String, bool
greaterThanGreater than the filter valueint, DateTime
greaterThanOrEqualToGreater than or equal to the filter valueint, DateTime
lessThanLess than the filter valueint, DateTime
lessThanOrEqualToLess than or equal to the filter valueint, DateTime
inIn one of the filter valuesint, DateTime, String
notInNot in one of the filter valuesint, DateTime, String
betweenIn the range of start and end, inclusiveint, DateTime

After creating a filter value, use the corresponding static method on the AACCardListFilter class to combine it with an operator.


Card priority range

The following code snippet shows how to create a filter that filters card with priority between 2 and 6 inclusive.

final filterValue1 = AACCardFilterValue.byPriority(2);
final filterValue2 = AACCardFilterValue.byPriority(6);
final filter = AACCardFilter.between(filterValue1, filterValue2);
Passing correct value type to an operator

Each operator supports different type of values. For example, operator lessThan only support Int and Date. So passing String values to that operator will raise an exception.

Applying filters to a stream container or a card count observer

There are three steps to filter cards in a stream container or for a card count observer:

  1. Create one or more AACCardFilterValue objects.

  2. Combine filter values with filter operators to form a AACCardFilter.

  3. Apply filter(s).

    3.1. In Flutter the stream containers object is hidden in the widget tree, so the best place to apply a filter would be in the onViewLoaded callback, where the container object state is provided.

    • To apply a single filter, call await state.applyFilter(filter).
    • To apply multiple filters, call await state.applyFilters(List<AACCardFilter>? filters). Each applyFilter call overrides the previous call (not incremental). So if you want to apply multiple filters at the same time, use the applyFilters(List<AACCardFilter>? filters) method rather than multiple applyFilter(filter) methods.
    • To delete all existing filters, pass either null or an empty list [] to the applyFilters method, or null to the applyFilter method.
    import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_stream_container.dart';

    configuration: ...,
    containerId: '1234',
    onViewLoaded: (state) {
    AACCardFilter filter = AACCardFilter.byCardInstanceId('cardId1234');
    await state.applyFilter(filter);
    // or, for multiple filters: await state.applyFilters(List<AACCardFilter> filters);
    // or, to delete all filters: await state.applyFilters([]);

    3.2. For card count observers, pass a List of filters to parameter filters when creating an observer using the AACSession.observeCardCount method.


Card priority 5 and above

The following code snippet shows how to only display cards with priority > 5 in a stream container.

onViewLoaded: (state) {
final filterValue = AACCardFilterValue.byPriority(5)
final filter = AACCardFilter.greaterThan(filterValue)

// Acquire the stream container object and apply filter
Earlier than a set date

The following code snippet shows how to only display cards created earlier than 9/Jan/2023 inclusive in a stream container.

onViewLoaded: (state) {
final filterValue = AACCardFilterValue.byCreatedDate(DateTime(2023, 1, 9));
final filter = AACCardFilter.lessThanOrEqualTo(filterValue);

Card template names

The following code snippet shows how to only display cards with the template names 'card 1', 'card 2', or 'card 3' in a stream container.

onViewLoaded: (state) {
final filterValue1 = AACCardFilterValue.byCardTemplateName("card1");
final filterValue2 = AACCardFilterValue.byCardTemplateName("card2");
final filterValue3 = AACCardFilterValue.byCardTemplateName("card3");
final filter = AACCardFilter.contains([filterValue1, filterValue2, filterValue3]);

Combination of filter values

The following code snippet shows how to only display cards with priority != 6 and custom variable isSpecial == true in a stream container.

Note: isSpecial is a Boolean custom variable defined in Workbench.

onViewLoaded: (state) {
final filterValue1 = AACCardFilterValue.byPriority(6);
final filter1 = AACCardFilter.notEqualTo(filterValue1);

final filterValue2 = AACCardFilterValue.byVariableNameBool("isSpecial", true);
final filter2 = AACCardFilter.equalTo(filterValue2);

state.applyFilters([filter1, filter2]);

Legacy filter

The legacy filter is still supported - AACCardFilter.byCardInstanceId(String cardInstanceId). This filter requests that the stream container or single card view show only a card matching the specified card instance ID, if it exists. An instance of this filter can be created using the corresponding static method on the AACCardFilter class.

The card instance ID can be found in the push notification payload, allowing you to apply the filter in response to a push notification being tapped.

onViewLoaded: (state) {
final filter = AACCardFilter.byCardInstanceId("ABCD-1234");

The legacy filter AACCardFilter.byCardInstanceId for the observeStreamContainer method only works on iOS, not Android. Also, the legacy filter doesn't work for observeCardCount on both platforms. Nonetheless, it does work on both platforms for the applyFilters method.

Removing all filters

  • For stream containers, pass null or an empty list [] to the applyFilters(List<AACCardFilter>? filters) method.

  • For stream container observers, filters is an optional parameter (set to null by default). The filters cannot be changed after creating the observer:

AACSession.observeStreamContainer(config: AACStreamContainerObserverConfiguration(filters: myFilters))

In the Atomic Workbench, you can create a submit or link button with a custom action payload.

  • When such a link button is tapped, the didTapLinkButton method is called on your action delegate.
  • When such a submit button is tapped, and after the card is successfully submitted, the didTapSubmitButton method is called on your action delegate.

The parameter to each of these methods is an action object, containing the payload that was defined in the Workbench for that button. You can use this payload to determine the action to take, within your app, when the submit or link button is tapped.

The action object also contains the card instance ID and stream container ID where the custom action was triggered.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_stream_container.dart';

// 1. Extend the action delegate.
class MyActionDelegate with AACStreamContainerActionDelegate {

void didTapActionButton() {
print("The action button was tapped.");

void didTapLinkButton(AACCardCustomAction action) {
print("The link button was clicked, card id: ${action.cardInstanceId}");
print("The container id is ${action.containerId}");
print("The action payload is ${action.actionPayload}");

void didTapSubmitButton(AACCardCustomAction action) {
print("The submit button was clicked, card id: ${action.cardInstanceId}");
print("The container id is ${action.containerId}");
print("The action payload is ${action.actionPayload}");

// 2. Assign an event delegate on instantiation.

configuration: <config>,
containerId: <container ID>,
actionDelegate: myActionDelegate,

Card snoozing

The Atomic SDKs provide the ability to snooze a card from a stream container or single card view. Snooze functionality is exposed through the card’s action buttons, overflow menu and the quick actions menu (exposed by swiping a card to the left, on iOS and Android).

Tapping on the snooze option from either location brings up the snooze date and time selection screen. The user selects a date and time in the future until which the card will be snoozed. Snoozing a card will result in the card disappearing from the user’s card list or single card view, and reappearing again at the selected date and time. A user can snooze a card more than once.

When a card comes out of a snoozed state, if the card has an associated push notification, and the user has push notifications enabled, the user will see another notification, where the title is prefixed with Snoozed:.

You can customize the title of the snooze functionality, as displayed in a card’s overflow menu and in the title of the card snooze screen. The default title, if none is specified, is Remind me.

On the AACStreamContainerConfiguration object, call the setValueForCustomString method to customize the title for the card snooze functionality:

configuration.setValueForCustomString(AACCustomString.cardSnoozeTitle, 'Snooze');

Card voting

The Atomic SDKs support card voting, which allows you to gauge user sentiment towards the cards you send. When integrating the SDKs, you can choose to enable options for customers to indicate whether a card was useful to the user or not, accessible when they tap on the overflow button in the top right of a card.

If the user indicates that the card was useful, a corresponding analytics event is sent for that card (card-voted-up).

If they indicate that the card was not useful, they are presented with a secondary screen where they can choose to provide further feedback. The available reasons for why a card wasn’t useful are:

  • It’s not relevant;
  • I see this too often;
  • Something else.

If they select "Something else", a free-form input is presented, where the user can provide additional feedback. The free form input is limited to 280 characters. After tapping "Submit", an analytics event containing this feedback is sent (card-voted-down).

You can customize the titles that are displayed for these actions, as well as the title displayed on the secondary feedback screen. By default these are:

  • Thumbs up - "This is useful";
  • Thumbs down - "This isn’t useful";
  • Secondary screen title - "Send feedback".

Card voting is disabled by default. You can enable positive card voting ("This is useful"), negative card voting ("This isn’t useful"), or both:

configuration.votingOption = AACVotingOption.both; // Enable both voting options
configuration.votingOption = AACVotingOption.useful; // Enable only voting-up option
configuration.votingOption = AACVotingOption.notUseful; // Enable only voting-down option
configuration.votingOption = AACVotingOption.none; // Enable no voting options (default)

You can also customize the titles for the card voting options, and the title displayed at the top of the feedback screen, presented when a user indicates the card wasn’t useful:

configuration.setValueForCustomString(AACCustomString.votingFeedbackTitle, 'Provide feedback');
configuration.setValueForCustomString(AACCustomString.votingUseful, 'Thumbs up');
configuration.setValueForCustomString(AACCustomString.votingNotUseful, 'Thumbs down');

Refreshing a stream container manually

You can choose to manually refresh a stream container or single card view, such as when a push notification arrives while your app is open. Refreshing will result in the stream container or single card view checking for new cards immediately, and showing any that are available.

Note On Flutter the stream container is a stateful widget, whose view is actually controlled by its state class, so you need to call AACStreamContainerState.refresh.


Responding to card events

The SDK allows you to perform custom actions in response to events occurring on a card, such as when a user:

  • submits a card;
  • dismisses a card;
  • snoozes a card;
  • indicates a card is useful (when card voting is enabled);
  • indicates a card is not useful (when card voting is enabled).

To be notified when these happen, assign a card event delegate to your stream container:

// 1. Extend the event delegate.
class MyEventDelegate with AACCardEventDelegate {

void didTriggerCardEvent(AACCardEvent event) {
// Perform a custom action in response to the card event.
print('The event ${event.kind.stringValue} happened in the stream container.');

// 2. Assign an event delegate on instantiation.
configuration: <config>,
containerId: <container ID>,
eventDelegate: myEventDelegate,

Sending custom events

You can send custom events directly to the Atomic Platform for the logged in user, via this method:

AACSession.sendCustomEvent(String eventName, {Map<String, String>? eventProperties});

The eventProperties parameter is optional.

A custom event can be used in the Workbench to create segments for card targeting. For more details of custom events, see Custom Events.

The event will be created for the user defined by the authentication token returned in the session delegate (which is registered when initiating the SDK). As such, you cannot specify target user IDs using this method.

const eventName = "myEvent";
final properties = {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",

await AACSession.sendCustomEvent(eventName, eventProperties: properties);

Error handling

The sendCustomEvent method may throw an error if unsuccesful, so it is recommended to wrap it in a try/catch statement:

try {
await AACSession.sendCustomEvent(eventName, eventProperties: properties);
} catch (error) {
// handle the error
print("Sending custom event failed $error");

API and additional methods

Push notifications

To use push notifications in the Flutter SDK, you'll need to add your iOS push certificate and Android server key in the Workbench (see: Notifications), then request push notification permission in your app.

Push notification support requires a Flutter library such as flutter_apns.

Once this is integrated, you can configure push notifications via the Flutter SDK. The steps below can occur in either order in your app.

1. Register the user against specific stream containers for push notifications

You need to signal to the Atomic Platform which stream containers are eligible to receive push notifications in your app for the current device.

You will need to do this each time the logged in user changes.

There is an optional parameter notificationsEnabled which updates the user's notificationsEnabled preference in the Atomic Platform. You can also inspect and update this preference using the Atomic API - consult the API documentation for user preferences for more information.

If you pass false for this parameter, the user's notificationsEnabled preference will be set to false, which means that they will not receive notifications on any eligible devices, even if their device is registered in this step, and the device push token is passed to Atomic in the next step. If you pass true, the user's notificationEnabled preference will be set to true, which is the default, and allows the user to receive notifications. This allows you to explicitly enable or disable notifications for the current user, via UI in your own app - such as a notification settings screen.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.registerStreamContainersForNotifications(['<containerId>'], /*Optional*/false);

To deregister the device for Atomic notifications for your app, such as when a user completely logs out of your app, call deregisterDeviceForNotifications on AACSession:

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.deregisterDeviceForNotifications();

2. Send the push token to the Atomic Platform

Send the device's push token to the Atomic Platform when it changes. Call this method in the appropriate push notification callback in your app:

import "package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart";

await AACSession.registerDeviceForNotifications('token');

You can call the registerDeviceForNotifications method any time you want to update the push token stored for the user in the Atomic Platform; pass the method the device token as a string, along with a session delegate.

You will also need to update this token every time the logged in user changes in your app, so the Atomic Platform knows who to send notifications to.

Observing card count

Use user metrics

It is recommended that you use user metrics to retrieve the card count instead. See the next section for more information.

The SDK supports observing the card count for a particular stream container. Card count is provided to your callback independently of whether a stream container or single card view has been created, and is updated at the provided interval.

Future<String> observeCardCount({
required String containerId,
required void Function(int cardCount) callback,
Duration pollingInterval = const Duration(seconds: 1),
List<AACCardFilter>? filters,

The pollingInterval must be at least 1 second, otherwise it defaults to 1 second. You can also optionally provide a list of AACCardFilters to the observer. The method returns a String observer token to distuingish card count observers.


The legacy filter AACCardFilter.byCardInstanceId for observeCardCount does not work for both Android and iOS.

If you choose to observe the card count, by default it is updated immediately after the published card number changes. If for some reason the WebSocket is not available, the count is then updated periodically at the interval you specify. The time interval cannot be smaller than 1 second.

When you want to stop observing the card count, you can remove the observer using the token returned from the observation call:

await AACSession.stopObservingCardCount(observerToken);

Full example:

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

// Retain this token so that you can stop observing later.
String observerToken = await AACSession.observeCardCount(
containerId: '<containerId>',
pollingInterval: 5,
callback: (count) {
print("Card count is now ${count}");
// This filter will make the callback only give the count of cards with a priority of 3.
filters: [AACCardFilter.equalTo(AACCardFilterValue.byPriority(3))],

// Stop observing for that token
await AACSession.stopObservingCardCount(observerToken);

Retrieving the count of active and unseen cards

What is an active card? What is an unseen card?

All cards are unseen the moment they are sent. A card becomes "seen" when it has been shown on the customer's screen (even if only briefly or partly). A quick scroll-through might not make the card "seen", this depends on the scrolling speed. The user metrics only count "active" cards, which means that snoozed and embargoed cards will not be included in the count.

The Atomic iOS SDK exposes a new object: user metrics. These metrics include:

  • The number of cards available to the user across all stream containers;
  • The number of cards that haven't been seen across all stream containers;
  • The number of cards available to the user in a specific stream container (equivalent to the card count functionality in the previous section);
  • The number of cards not yet seen by the user in a specific stream container.

These metrics enable you to display badges in your UI that indicate how many cards are available to the user but not yet viewed, or the total number of cards available to the user.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';
// User metrics across all stream containers.
AACSession.userMetrics('').then((metrics) {
print('Total cards across all containers: ${metrics.totalCards}');
print('Unseen cards across all containers: ${metrics.unseenCards}');

// User metrics of a specific stream container.
AACSession.userMetrics('container-1234').then((metrics) {
print("Total cards across a specific container: ${metrics.totalCards}");
print("Unseen cards across a specific container:${metrics.unseenCards}");

Runtime variables

Runtime variables are resolved in the SDK at runtime, rather than from an event payload when the card is assembled. Runtime variables are defined in the Atomic Workbench.

The SDK will ask the host app to resolve runtime variables when a list of cards is loaded (and at least one card has a runtime variable), or when new cards become available due to WebSockets pushing or HTTP polling (and at least one card has a runtime variable).

Runtime variables are resolved by your app via the requestRuntimeVariables method on AACRuntimeVariableDelegate. If you do not implement this method, runtime variables will fall back to their default values, as defined in the Atomic Workbench. To resolve runtime variables, you pass an object implementing the AACRuntimeVariableDelegate mixin to the parameter runtimeVariableDelegate when creating a stream container or a single card view.

Only string values

Runtime variables can currently only be resolved to string values.

The requestRuntimeVariables method, when called by the SDK, provides you with:

  • A list of objects representing the cards in the list. Each card object contains:
    • The lifecycle identifier associated with the card;
    • A method that you call to resolve each variable on that card (-resolveRuntimeVariableWithName:value:).
    • A list of all runtime variables in use by this card.

The method expects a nullable list of resolved cards returned, once all variables are resolved.

If a variable is not resolved, that variable will use its default value, as defined in the Atomic Workbench.

If you do not return the card list before the runtimeVariableResolutionTimeout elapses (defined on AACStreamContainerConfiguration), the default values for all runtime variables will be used.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_card_runtime_variable.dart';

class MyCardRuntimeVariableDelegate with AACRuntimeVariableDelegate {

Future<List<AACCardInstance>> requestRuntimeVariables(List<AACCardInstance> cardInstances) {
for (AACCardInstance card in cardInstances) {
// Resolve a runtime variable 'numberOfItems' to '12' on all cards.
// You can also inspect `lifecycleId` and `cardInstanceId` to determine what type of card this is.
card.resolveRuntimeVariable("numberOfItems", '12');
return Future.value(cardInstances);

Updating runtime variables manually

You can manually update runtime variables at any time by calling the updateVariables method on AACStreamContainerState or AACSingleCardViewState:


Accessibility and fonts

The Atomic SDKs support a variety of accessibility features on each platform. These features make it easier for vision-impaired customers to use Atomic's SDKs inside of your app.

These features also allow your app, with Atomic integrated, to continue to fulfil your wider accessibility requirements.

Dynamic font scaling

The Atomic Flutter SDK supports dynamic font scaling. Font scaling behave differently on platforms. On iOS this feature is called Dynamic Type. On Android, this feature is enabled in the Settings app, under "Font size".

For more details on dynamic font scaling, see the iOS Dynamic Type or Android Dynamic font scaling documentation.

Using embedded fonts in themes (iOS only)

When creating your stream container's theme in the Atomic Workbench, you optionally define custom fonts that can be used by the stream container for UI elements. When defined in the Workbench, these fonts must point to a remote URL, so that the SDK can download the font, register it against the system and use it.

It is likely that the custom fonts you wish to use are already part of your app, particularly if they are a critical component of your brand identity. If this is the case, you can have a stream container font - with a given font family name, weight and style - reference a font embedded in your app instead. This is also useful if the license for your font only permits you to embed the font and not download it from a remote URL.

To map a font in a stream container theme to one embedded in your app, first add the font file to the project - make sure you also declare the font in the pubspec file. Then use the registerEmbeddedFonts: method on AACSession, passing an array of AACEmbeddedFont objects, each containing the following:

  • A familyName that matches the font family name declared in the Atomic Workbench;
  • A weight - a value of AACFontWeight, also matching the value declared in the Atomic Workbench;
  • A style - either italic or regular;
  • A postscriptName, which matches the Postscript name of a font available to your app. This can be a font bundled with your application or one provided by the operating system.

If the familyName, weight and style of a font in the stream container theme matches an AACEmbeddedFont instance that you've registered with the SDK, the SDK will use the postscriptName to create an instance of your embedded font, and will not download the font from a remote URL.

In the example below, any use of a custom font named BrandFont in your theme, that is bold and italicized, would use the embedded font named HelveticaNeue instead:

Invalid Postscript names

If the Postscript name provided is invalid, or the family name, weight and style do not match a custom font in the stream container theme exactly, the SDK will download the font at the remote URL specified in the theme instead.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_embedded_font.dart';
import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

final embeddedFont =
AACEmbeddedFont("BrandFont", "HelveticaNeue", AACFontStyle.italic, AACFontWeight.regular);

SDK Analytics

Default behavior

The default behavior is to not send analytics for resolved runtime variables. Therefore, you must explicitly enable this feature to use it.

If you use runtime variables on a card, you can optionally choose to send the resolved values of any runtime variables back to the Atomic Platform as an analytics event. This per-card analytics event - runtime-vars-updated - contains the values of runtime variables rendered in the card and seen by the end user. Therefore, you should not enable this feature if your runtime variables contain sensitive data that you do not wish to store on the Atomic Platform.

To enable this feature, set the runtimeVariableAnalytics flag on your configuration's features object:

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_stream_container.dart';

final config = AACStreamContainerConfiguration();
config.features = AACFeatureFlags()..runtimeVariableAnalytics = true;

Utility methods

Debug logging

Debug logging allows you to view more verbose logs regarding events that happen in the SDK. It is turned off by default, and should not be enabled in release builds. To enable debug logging:

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

await AACSession.enableDebugMode(level);

The parameter level is an integer that indicates the verbosity level of the logs exposed:

  • Level 0: Default, no logs exposed.
  • Level 1: Operations and transactions are exposed.
  • Level 2: Operations, transactions and their details are exposed, plus level 1.
  • Level 3: Expose all logs.

Purge cached data

The SDK provides a method for purging the local cache of a user's card data. This method intends to clear user data when a previous user logs out, so that the cache is clear when a new user logs in to your app. This method also sends any pending analytics events back to the Atomic Platform.

To clear this in-memory cache, call:

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';

// Logout example:
await AACSession.logout();

// Here's an alternative example that handles any logout errors:
AACSession.logout().then((value) {
// Codes that execute after successfully logging out.
}).onError((error, stackTrace) {
// Handle the error.

Updating user data

The SDK allows you to update the user profile and preferences on the Atomic Platform for the logged-in user via the updateUser method of AACSession. This user is identified by the authentication token provided by the session delegate that is registered when initiating the SDK.

Setting up profile fields

For simple setup, create an AACUserSettings object and set some profile fields, then call method AACSession.updateUser(userSettings). The following optional profile fields can be supplied to update the data for the user. A user setting object is equivalent to those settings in the Customers page on the Workbench.

  • external_id: An optional string that represents an external identifier for the user.
  • name: An optional string that represents the name of the user.
  • email: An optional string that represents the email address of the user.
  • phone: An optional string that represents the phone number of the user.
  • city: An optional string that represents the city of the user.
  • country: An optional string that represents the country of the user.
  • region: An optional string that represents the region of the user.

Any fields which have not been supplied will remain unmodified after the user update.

The following code snippet shows how to set up some profile fields:

final userSettings = AACUserSettings()
..externalID = 'Flutter shell app ID' = 'Flutter user' = '' = '+(64)123456' = 'Flutter city' = 'Flutter country'
..region = 'Flutter region';
await AACSession.updateUser(userSettings);

Setting up custom profile fields

You can also setup your custom fields of the user profile. Custom fields must first be created in Atomic Workbench before updating them. For more details of custom fields, see Custom Fields.

There are two types of custom fields: date and text.

  • userSettings.setDateForCustomField(DateTime dateTime, String customField) for custom fields defined as type 'date' in the Atomic Workbench.
  • userSettings.setTextForCustomField(String text, String customField) for custom fields defined as type 'text' in the Atomic Workbench.

Note: Use the name property in the Workbench to identify a custom field, not the label property.

The following code snippet shows how to set up a date and a text field:

..setTextForCustomField("Flutter!!", "fluttertext");
..setDateForCustomField(, "flutterdate");

Setting up notification preferences

You can use the following optional property and method to update the notification preferences for the user. Again, any fields which have not been supplied will remain unmodified after the user update.

  • setNotificationTime(List<AACUserNotificationTimeframe> timeframes, AACUserNotificationTimeframeWeekdays weekday): An optional method that defines the notification time preferences of the user for different days of the week. If you specify NotificationDays.anyDay to the second parameter, the notification time preferences will be applied to every day.

Each day accepts an list of notification time periods, these are periods during which notifications are allowed. If an empty array is provided notifications will be disabled for that day.

The following code snippet shows how to set up notification periods between 8am - 5:30pm & 7pm - 10pm on Monday:

startHour: 8,
startMinute: 0,
endHour: 17,
endMinute: 30,
startHour: 19,
startMinute: 0,
endHour: 22,
endMinute: 0,

Hours are in the 24h format that must be between 0 & 23 inclusive, while minutes are values between 0 & 59 inclusive.

UpdateUser method: full example

The following code snippet shows an example of using the updateUser method to update profile fields, custom profile fields and notification preferences.

final userSettings = AACUserSettings()
..externalID = 'Flutter shell app ID' = 'Flutter user' = '' = '+(64)123456' = 'Flutter city' = 'Flutter country'
..region = 'Flutter region'
..setTextForCustomField("Flutter!!", "fluttertext")
..setDateForCustomField(, "flutterdate")
startHour: 0,
startMinute: 0,
endHour: 18,
endMinute: 59,
startHour: 19,
startMinute: 0,
endHour: 23,
endMinute: 59,
await AACSession.updateUser(userSettings);
Optional values

Though all fields of AACUserSettings are optional, you must supply at least one field when calling AACSDK.updateUser.

Observing SDK events

The Atomic Flutter SDK provides functionality to observe SDK events that symbolize identifiable SDK activities such as card feed changes or user interactions with cards. The following code snippet shows how to observe SDK events.

AACSession.setSDKEventObserver((AACSDKEvent sdkEvent) {
// do something with the sdkEvent

Only one SDK event observer can be active at a time. If you call this method again, it will replace the previous observer. To remove the SDK event observer, set it to null.

The SDK provides all observed events in the base class AACSDKEvent. Each event shares common information such as an eventName, timestamp, indentifier, and where appropriate, userId and containerId.

An event has a corresponding eventType property taken from the AACSDKEventType enum. The properties for each event is different and dependant on the eventType, but they closely follow Atomic analytics events. The properties that are not applicable to the event's eventType are set to null. For detailed information about these events, please refer to Analytics reference.

DismissedYESThe user dismisses a card.
SnoozedYESThe user snoozes a card.
SubmittedYESThe user submits a card.
CardFeedUpdatedNOA card feed has been updated. It occurs when a card(s) has been removed or added to the feed, or the card(s) in the feed has been updated.
CardDisplayedYESA card is displayed in a container. This event monitors the following situations:
- User scrolling (tracked once scrolling settles).
- Initial load of the card list.
- Arrival of new cards that is visible.
CardVotedUpYESThe user taps on the "this is useful" option in the card overflow menu.
CardVotedDownYESThe user taps the "Submit" button on the card feedback screen, which is brought up by tapping on the "This isn't useful" option in the card overflow menu.
RuntimeVarsUpdatedYESA card containing runtime variables has one or more runtime variables resolved. This event occurs on a per-card basis.
StreamDisplayedYESA stream container is first loaded or returned to.
UserRedirectedYESThe user is redirected by a URL or a custom payload. This happens if they open a URL on a link button, open a URL after submitting a card, or tap on a link or submit button with a custom action payload. This event can occur on either the top-level or subview of a card.
SnoozeOptionsDisplayedYESThe snooze date/time selection UI is displayed.
SnoozeOptionsCanceledYESThe user taps the "Cancel" button in the snooze UI.
CardSubviewDisplayedYESA subview of card is opened.
CardSubviewExitedYESThe user leaves the subview, either by navigating back or submitting the card.
VideoPlayedYESThe user hits the play button of a video. This event can occur on either the top-level or subview of a card.
VideoCompletedYESA video finishes playing. This event can occur on either the top-level or subview of a card.
SdkInitializedYESAn instance of the SDK is initialized, or the JWT is refreshed.
RequestFailedYESAny API request to the Atomic client API fails within the SDK, or a failure in WebSocket causes a fallback to HTTP polling.
Note: Network failure and request timeout does not trigger this event.
NotificationRecievedYESA push notification is received by the SDK.

Observing SDK Events examples

An example for logging every SDK event and their properties.

void logSdkEventsCallback(AACSDKEvent sdkEvent) {
"${_getTimeMsg(sdkEvent.timestamp)}\ ${},"
"\nidentifier: ${sdkEvent.identifier},\nuserId: ${sdkEvent.userId},\ncardCount: ${sdkEvent.cardCount},"
"\ncardContext: ${sdkEvent.cardContext == null ? "null" : "{"
"${newLineTab}cardInstanceId: ${sdkEvent.cardContext!.cardInstanceId},"
"${newLineTab}cardInstanceStatus: ${sdkEvent.cardContext!.cardInstanceStatus},"
"${newLineTab}cardPresentation: ${sdkEvent.cardContext!.cardPresentation},"
"${newLineTab} ${sdkEvent.cardContext!.cardViewState?.name}\n}"},"
"\nproperties: ${ == null ? "null" : "{"
"${newLineTab}subviewId: ${!.subviewId},"
"${newLineTab}subviewTitle: ${!.subviewTitle},"
"${newLineTab}subviewLevel: ${!.subviewLevel},"
"${newLineTab} ${!.linkMethod?.name},"
"${newLineTab} ${!.detail?.name},"
"${newLineTab}url: ${!.url},"
"${newLineTab}submittedValues: ${!.submittedValues},"
"${newLineTab}redirectPayload: ${!.redirectPayload},"
"${newLineTab}resolvedVariables: ${!.resolvedVariables},"
"${newLineTab} ${!.reason?.name},"
"${newLineTab}message: ${!.message},"
"${newLineTab}source: ${!.source},"
"${newLineTab}path: ${!.path},"
"${newLineTab}unsnoozeDate: ${!.unsnoozeDate?.toIso8601String()},"
"${newLineTab}statusCode: ${!.statusCode}\n}"},"
"\ncontainerId: ${sdkEvent.containerId},\nstreamContext: ${sdkEvent.streamContext == null ? "null" : "{"
"${newLineTab}streamLength: ${sdkEvent.streamContext!.streamLength},"
"${newLineTab}cardPositionInStream: ${sdkEvent.streamContext!.cardPositionInStream},"
"${newLineTab}streamLengthVisible: ${sdkEvent.streamContext!.streamLengthVisible},"
"${newLineTab} ${sdkEvent.streamContext!.displayMode?.name}\n}"}";

// Start observing sdk events

// Stop observing sdk events

Example output for the CardDisplayed event, using the above callback:

[2024-01-30 08:07:00.000Z] CardDisplayed,
identifier: <identifier will be here>,
userId: <userId will be here>,
cardCount: null,
cardContext: {
cardInstanceId: <cardInstanceId will be here>,
cardInstanceStatus: active,
cardPresentation: individual, TopView
properties: null,
containerId: 123ID,
streamContext: {
streamLength: 12,
cardPositionInStream: 1,
streamLengthVisible: 1, Single

An example for fetching unseen card number in realtime

When your application will display the number of unseen cards on the app icon, it is crucial to ensure that this number stays current as the user navigates through cards. This way, when they return to the home screen, they see an up to date count of unseen cards. To make this possible, we must fetch the count of unseen cards in real time.

You can obtain the count of unseen cards from user metrics. However, since this is a singular call, we need to invoke this method repeatedly to keep the count current. By monitoring SDK events, we can update the unseen card count every time a card's viewed status changes. The code snippet below shows how to fetch the number of unseen cards for a container under these conditions.

AACSession.setSDKEventObserver((AACSDKEvent sdkEvent) {
if (sdkEvent.eventType == AACSDKEventType.CardFeedUpdated || sdkEvent.eventType == AACSDKEventType.CardDisplayed) {
final containerId = "<containerId>";
if (sdkEvent.containerId == containerId) {
AACSession.userMetrics(sdkEvent.containerId).then((metrics) {
print("Total cards across a specific container: ${metrics.totalCards}");
print("Unseen cards across a specific container:${metrics.unseenCards}");

An example for capturing the voting-down event

The following code snippet shows how to capture an event when the user votes down for a card.

AACSession.setSDKEventObserver((AACSDKEvent sdkEvent) {
if (sdkEvent.eventType == AACSDKEventType.CardVotedDown) {
print("The user has voted down for the card ${sdkEvent.cardContext.cardInstanceId}")
switch ( {
case AACSDKEventReason.TooOften:
print("The reason is it's displayed too often.");
case AACSDKEventReason.Relevant:
print("The reason is it's not relevant.");
case: AACSDKEventReason.other:
print("The user provided some other reasons: ${}");

Image linking to a URL

(Introduced in Flutter 24.2.0)

You can now use images for navigation purposes, such as directing to a web page, opening a subview, or sending a custom payload into the app, as if they were buttons. This functionality is accessible in Workbench, where you can assign custom actions to images on your cards.

The updated analytics event 'user-redirected'

Redirection initiated by images also trigger the user-redirected analytics event. To accurately identify the origin of this event, a new detail property has been added, with four distinct values:

  • Image: The event was activated by an image.
  • LinkButton: A link button was the source of the event.
  • SubmitButton: The redirection was initiated via a submit button.
  • TextLink: The trigger was a link embedded within markdown text.

See Analytics or Analytics reference for more details of the event user-redirected.

In iOS SDK, you can also capture the new detail property via SDK event observer. The following code snippet shows how to parse this property.

import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_session.dart';
import 'package:atomic_sdk_flutter/atomic_sdk_event.dart';

await AACSession.setSDKEventObserver((AACSDKEvent sdkEvent) {
if (sdkEvent.eventType == AACSDKEventType.UserRedirected) {
switch ( {
case AACSDKEventDetail.Image:
print("Event triggered by an image.");
case AACSDKEventDetail.LinkButton:
print("Event triggered by a link button.");
case AACSDKEventDetail.SubmitButton:
print("Event triggered by a submit button.");
case AACSDKEventDetail.TextLink:
print("Event triggered by a markdown link text.");
case AACSDKEventDetail.UnknownDetail:
print("Event triggered by an unknown component.");
case null:
print("There was no detail provided in this sdk event.");

See the Observing SDK events section for more details on the event observer feature.

Capture image-triggered custom payload

In the Atomic Workbench, the functionality for custom payload has expanded. Initially, you could create a submit or link button with a custom action payload. Now, this capability extends to images, allowing the use of an image with a custom payload to achieve similar interactive outcomes as you would with buttons.

When such an image is tapped, the didTapLinkButton method is called on your action delegate (implementing the AACStreamContainerActionDelegate mixin).

Unified Handling Approach for Images and Link Buttons

In this scenario, an image is treated similarly to a link button, meaning the same delegate method used for link buttons is applied to images as well.

This approach streamlines the handling of user interactions with both elements, ensuring a concise behavior across the UI.

The second parameter to this method is an action object, containing the payload that was defined in the Workbench for that button. You can use this payload to determine the action to take, within your app, when the image is tapped.

The action object also contains the card instance ID and stream container ID where the custom action was triggered.

The following code snippet navigates the user to the home screen upon receiving a specific payload.

class MyActionDelegate with AACStreamContainerActionDelegate {
// Provide context to your delegate.
final BuildContext context;

// Implement the link button callback from AACStreamContainerActionDelegate

void didTapLinkButton(AACCardCustomAction action) {
// Check the payload.
final screenName = action.actionPayload["screenName"] as String?;
if (screenName != null && screenName == "home-screen") {
// First check if the the widget is still part of the widget tree.
if (context.mounted) {
// Navigate to the home screen
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => HomeScreen()),

Custom Icons

(Introduced in Flutter 24.2.0)

Note: Requires iOS 13 and above, or Android 5.0 and above.

The SDK now supports the use of custom icons in card elements. When you are editing a card in the card template editor of the Workbench you will notice that for card elements that support it the properties panel will show an "Include icon" option. From this location you can select an icon to use, either from the Media Library or Font Awesome.

Choosing to use an icon from the Media Library you have the ability to provide an SVG format icon and an optional fallback icon to be used in case the SVG fails to load. The "Select icon" dropdown will present any SVG format assets in your media library which can be used as a custom icon. To add an icon for use you can press the "Open Media Library" button at the bottom of the dropdown.

Custom icon colors

The Workbench theme editor now provides the ability to set a color and opacity value for icons in each of the places where an icon may be used. The SDK will apply the following rules when determining what color the provided icon should be displayed in:

  • All icons will be displayed with the colors as dictated in the SVG file.
  • Black is used if no colors are specified in the SVG file.
  • Where a currentColor value is used in the SVG file, the following hierarchy is applied:
    1. Use the icon theme color if this has been supplied.
    2. Use the color of the text associated with the icon.
    3. Use a default black color.

Custom icon sizing

The custom icon will be rendered in a square icon container with a width & height in pixels equal to the font size of the associated text. Your supplied SVG icon will be rendered centered inside this icon container, at its true size until it is constrained by the size of container, at which point it will scale down to fit.

Fallback Rules

There are two scenarios where a fallback could occur for an SVG icon:

  1. If the provided SVG image is inaccessible due to a broken URL or network issues, such as those caused by certificate pinning.
  2. If the SVG icon is not supported on iOS/Android. Currently, SVG features are not fully supported in the iOS/Android SDK, so please check with our support team for details on supported SVG images.

In these scenarios, the following fallback rules apply:

  1. The fallback FontAwesome icon is used if it is set in Atomic Workbench for this custom icon.
  2. Otherwise, a default placeholder image is displayed.

Multiple display heights

(Introduced in 24.2.0)

You can now specify different display heights in Atomic Workbench for banner and inline media components. There are four options, each of which defines how the thumbnail cover of that media is displayed.

  • Tall The thumbnail cover is 200 display points high, spanning the whole width and cropped as necessary. This is the default value and matches existing media components.
  • Medium The same as "Tall", but only 120 display points high.
  • Short The same as "Tall" but 50 display points high. Not supported for inline or banner videos.
  • Original The thumbnail cover will maintain its original aspect ratio, adjusting the height dynamically based on the width of the card to avoid any cropping.

Note: For older versions of the SDK, all options will fall back to "Tall".

Retrieving the image dimensions using an API-driven card container

To get the display height types ("tall", "medium", "short", or "original") with API-driven card containers, you can use node.attributes["dimensions"]["height"]. See the API-driven card containers section for more information about node attributes.

Original Dimensions

On Android, if the display height type is "original", you might notice that you can also retrieve the original image dimensions using node.attributes["dimensions"]["originalDimensions"] which will give you a map, for example: {"width": 340.0, "height": 200.0}. However, please note that while this property is exposed in the JSON, it is only intended for internal use. So this property isn't guaranteed to return values.

In iOS the internal originalDimensions is not present at all.

To retrieve the original image dimensions, you can get the url of the original image with node.attributes["url"] or node.attributes["thumbnailUrl"], then check the size of that image.